If you still need an answer, to locate the pcv valve you need to remove your air cleaner, disconnect your line going into your fuel filter to get it out of the way and look down directly between your carbuerator and your valve cover. There is a small (3/8" hose, approx 6-7" in length) hose that curves down into the engine and is probably covered with a heat protecting foam sleeve. Slide up the hose clamp and pull the hose out. The pcv valve is stuck inside a rubber grommit in the block itself. You will need some very long and skinny needle nosed pliers to pull it out. Pop the new one in it's place making sure you push it in at the right angle. Replace your hose and air cleaner, fuel filter hoses and you are good to go!!!
The turn signal flasher on a 1986 Honda Civic is located on the cabin fuse box. It will be plugged into the fuse box and its backside.
It is in the big water hose on the in side
all I am trying to fimd out is where is the location of the thermostat on a 1986 Honda Civic I don't want to join anything I thought that you or this web site would help me guess not thanks Lanny
It has one.
No, the 1986 design is structurally different from the 1988 design. They may look similar, but they are very different in size and shape.
Intake valve .003, exhaust valve .005.
Mounted on top and inside the fuel tank. There is more than likely an access panel above the fuel tank.
Door panels on a 1986 Honda Civic are held on by several mounting screws. Loosen the screws and gently pull the dash out. Doing so will remove any plastic clips.
.003 in
I just had to deal with this and as far as I have figured and tested its 1342.
Valve clearance (cold) Intake 0.005 to 0.007 in Exhaust 0.010 to 0.012 in