The drain plug on the radiator of a 2002 Cavalier is located on the front of care through the lower front air dam area. You will find it's on the right and you should use 1/4" ratchet and extension to open it.
where is the radiator drain plug on a chev cavalier
Open the drain plug at the bottom of the radiator on the Cavalier if the plug is there. If the radiator is the model that does not have the plug, then the bottom hose needs to be removed to drain the coolant.
The drain plug is on the bottom of the radiator. It is on the opposite side from the bottom hose.
where is the radiator drain plug on a kia spectra
Either at the bottom or the rear of the radiator
Should be at the bottom or rear of radiator or remove lower radiator hose
under the radiator.
On the radiator...
Should be a drain plug at radiator either in rear or bottom
Drain plug either at the bottom or rear of the radiator or remove the lower radiator hose
There isn't one, you have to take off the lower radiator hose.
Lower left of radiator.