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Q: Where does the bottleneck occur in Broadbent's filter model?
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Genetic drift tends to occur in population that?

Are small

Bottleneck effect vs founder effect?

bottleneck effect is an evolutionary event in which population size is radically reduced because of catastrophic events. founder effect occur when few individuals migrate from main population and establishes a separate population in new geographical location. both of these are special cases of genetic drift.

An scientific example of bottleneck effect?

The northern elephant seal population was drastically reduced due to hunting in the 19th century, leading to a severe genetic bottleneck. This resulted in decreased genetic diversity within the population, making them more vulnerable to diseases and environmental changes. Conservation efforts have helped the population recover, but they still exhibit the genetic effects of the bottleneck.

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Is the bottleneck effect good or bad?

bottleneck is a problem within a single system resource that affects the performance of the entire system. Bottlenecks can occur in any of the primary subsystems.Some reasons bottlenecks occur include:* Insufficient or malfunctioning subsystem. * Uneven workload between hardware components. * A program monopolizing a single resource. * Incorrect system configuration settings.For example, a publishing company must ship content at certain times of the month. If performance is poor at these times of the month, the systems administrators can see that this is a temporary state, so they do not need to analyze the problem. However, if performance is poor when very few users are logged on, administrators need to analyze that situation. When they review the logs, the administrators find that the hardware components are insufficient for the workload, so additional or upgraded components are required.

Is well water hard water?

Not always, but it can occur and should be analysed and the appropriate softener or filter added

What happens when a fuel filter goes bad in a car?

Hard starts, rough idle and stalling can occur. Adding a water remover can help until a new filter can be installed.

At which layer of the OSI model does connectivity occur for EvDO solutions?

Layer 3

What is the age of a Smith and Wesson Model 10 serial v273641?

42-45. Model 10 designation did not occur for another 12 years.

In the geocentric model the earth at the center of the universe which motion would occur?

In the geocentric model, the motion of the celestial bodies would occur in complex patterns around the Earth. This model posited that the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars all revolved around the Earth in circular orbits. The geocentric model was later disproven by the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus.

How long it takes before one has to replace this GE JX81A Microwave Filter Kit?

The filter should be replaced if it is noticeably dirty or discolored. This will occur every six to twelve months depending upon usage.

1997 ford mustang air conditioner orifce filter?

If the orifice filter is plugged, you have much more serious problems with the air conditioner. Getting debris in the refrigerant lines can only occur when the compressor is failing.