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I had the same questions, I contacted Izuzu and it is not servicable by you and I. It has to be checked by the service center by raising the vehicle and removing the bolts as in replacing the Transmission Fluid. This was on the 97-99's. They have gone back to dipsticks but unfortunately we are stuck with the service center. YES you can do it!! Be careful not to overfill but do as follows to check the fluid. As you don

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Q: Where do you check the automatic transmission fluid on 1998 Isuzu Rodeo?
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The check trans light may light up in an Isuzu Rodeo, because there are problems with the transmission, The light will show up on the cars dashboard.

Can you check transmission fluid on Isuzu trooper 1990?

if it is an automatic then yes, if it is a standard transmission then no

How do you add transmission fluid to a 2000 Isuzu Rodeo.?

On the 2002 Rodeo the transmission is sealed and is non servicable by the owner. You cannot even check the fluid level so I advise taking it to an Isuzu repair shop.

Where do you check the automatic transmission fluid on 2001 Isuzu Rodeo?

there is 2 plugs on the bottom pan of the trans. With the engine running pull the plug that is higher up. Fluid should just trickle out.

Are 2001 Isuzu transmissions sealed?

yes the system is sealed, which means there isn't a dip srick on the side of the motor so you can check the level of the transmission fuild like you would check your engine oil , also owner of 2001 Isuzu Rodeo Sport V6 Automatic.

Does a 1995 Isuzu rodeo have dip stick for transmission?

I know true 95's have a dipstick for the automatic transmission. I also know 96 rodeo's do not but instead have an oil check plug in the transmission oil pan. Isuzu also came out with a 95.5 because all vehichles produced halfway through 1995 legally had to have airbags. So it has the 96 interior but the engine is same as the 95. I do not know if the 95.5 had a transmission dipstick. Mine is a stick.

Where is the transmission dip stick on a 1997 Isuzu Rodeo?

== == == == There isn't one! Nor is there a way for you to check the level yourself- you must have a mechanic to do it.

How do you check the transmission fluid on a 1992 Isuzu Rodeo Sport?

I do believe that if it's a sealed transmission then you have to pull the check plug from the trans to check it its just like a fill plug believe its on the left side of trans.

Check transmission fluid in a 2000 Isuzu Rodeo?

The way to check the transmission fluid level is you run the vehicle in park until operating temp. When operating temperature is reached then there is a plug in the transmission pan pull out just the middle of it to check fluid.

How do you fix a code 37 in an Isuzu Rodeo?

A code 37 on an Isuzu Rodeo means to check the transmission. This could mean that a short is occurring between the Transmission Control Module and the Electronic Computer Unit. Check all wires going from the transmission to the computer. If no short is found, a tube might be placed over the wires to prevent them from accidentally coding for no reason other than magnetic interference.

How do you add transmission fluid on a 1997 Isuzu Rodeo?

it depends if it is an automatic tranmission then you would add AFT (automatic transmission fluid) down the dip stick hole (where you check the level) if it is a manual transmission you will find a bolt on the side of the transmission that is reffered to as the check plug when you take this plug out you should be able to touch the fluid when you stick your finger in the check plug hole. any further questions email me at This is incorrect aas there is no dipstick hole on these Rodeos. Transmission fluid level: As you don