No, there is no wiring diagram for radio for the 1989 chevy capric on the internet.
Check in either a factory service manual, a Chilton manual or a Haynes manual. They all offer some version of wiring diagrams.
On some cars there is a sticker in the engine compartment with a belt diagram.
A complete diagram is available at MOTORLIT.COM.
AnswerThe Haynes manual has wiring diagrams in it. The wiring diagrams given for the 1989 Chevrolet Celebrity 2.5L F.I. are incorrect. Also note that Auto Zone told me the 1989 didn't come with the 2.5.
get a chiltons book from the parts store
Need to no what size engine.
you might try
You can find fuse block diagrams for your 1989 Chevy Celebrity in either a factory service manual, Chilton manual or Haynes manual. If you don't have a manual your local library may have a Chilton or Haynes.
The petcock on a 1989 Chevy Celebrity is at the bottom of the radiator on the drivers side.
The firing order for a 2.5L 4 cylinder engine is: 1-3-4-2
color coded diagram for 1989 Harley FXR