The Sony Xplod boombox is not water resistant.
No the Sony Xplod will not recharge batteries when it is plugged in.
The battery size used for the Sony Xplod is D and 6 would be needed.
i got two sony xplod 12s and running off an 800 watt amp they sound good
probably 800 watts by 2 channels at least i had mine pushed by a 1200 watt sony xplod and they sounded great
One can purchase a Sony Xplod online at the Sony store. Amazon also sells this product. You can also bid on one at Ebay. If you do not wish to buy online Walmart and Best Buy also sell Sony products.
The Sony Xplod CDX757 has anti skip technology so you shouldnt have any skips under normal driving conditions.
The simplified directions can be found on Crutchfield's website. If the wiring in your car doesn't connect right you can find harnesses on or at Circut City and you can always take them to a shop to be installed but it'll cost you. You can call Crutchfield for help too at the number on their site. If you wonder why I mention them so much you should know that Xplod speakers are made by Sony and Crutchfield's collaboration.
sony xplod is the cheapeast i have seen they sound pretty good
go to the nearest sound shop and get a wiring harness. the dash snaps off where u can get to the radio go to the nearest sound shop and get a wiring harness. the dash snaps off where u can get to the radio
The Sony CDX-GT730UI doesn't have direct support for the iPod, but it can be connected easily via a mini-to-mini cable.