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GeoCities was founded by David Bohnett and John Rezner in 1994 as Beverly Hills internet (BHI). Yahoo acquired GeoCities in 1999.

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Q: When was Yahoo GeoCities created?
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When was GeoCities created?

GeoCities was created in 1994.

Why can't i get to my Yahoo page or email?

You habe to register with yahoo and create an email account . Then you need to create your webpage at geocities or you can blog at yahoo 360

How are companies such as Yahoo Geocities able to offer free Web hosting services?

Simply by displaying their Ads.

When did GeoCities end?

GeoCities ended in 2009.

When did Yahoo Geocities end it's free service in favor of Website Hosting?

Yahoo's Geocities closed it's free service in favor of fee-based website hosting on 26 October 2009.The only way to get into the millions of html pages (also JPEG, GIF, and PNG) on this repository, is to get into Yahoo Website Hosting for a nominated fee. However, if you can secure the services of Wayback Machine (see related link), all of the files that you deposited on this repository can still be accessed today.

What services did the Geocities website provide?

Geocities is a web hosting service, available only in Japan. Geocities provides a selection of 'cities' where users could host their website according to category.

What is Geocities?

GeoCities is a web-hosting site with both free and paid accounts. It said to be available in the U.S. but is now only maintained in Japan.

When discovered Yahoo?

Yahoo! wasn't 'discovered'... Yahoo! was created on March 1st, 1995.

How can you replace Geocities and Yahoo?

For Web Hosting, if you're willing to put your creativity to good use:The answer is WIKIA.Wikia was created by the members of the board of trustees of Wikimedia (Wikipedia). The co-founder's name is Angela Beesley.For email, there is no better alternative than the good old GMAIL. You could try Hotmail but I doubt you'd want to use it.

Who created the original Hamster Dance?

The original creator of the catchy little tune called Hamster Dance was a Canadian art student by the name of Deidre Lacarte. It was created for a Geocities page.

When was Yahoo Answers created?

Yahoo! Answers was launched on June 28, 2005.

When was the Websites MSN and Yahoo made?

MSN was created on 24th,August 1995, And yahoo was created on 1st March 1995