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It isn't adviseable to use a battery charger to jump start a car unless the charger has a jump selection on it. Most newer models do have this function. The best thing to do, whether your charger has the jump function or not, is to take out the battery and put it on a trickle charge - usually about 2 amps, until the battery itself is fully charged.

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Q: When using a battery charger that is the charge rate in amps for starting a car?
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If it is an automatic charger let it charge until the charger shuts off.

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You do not charge a battery using a battery eliminator. The eliminator is not a charger, it is an eliminator that allows you to run the device.

Can you charge a gas scooter battery using a car charger?

As long as it is a 12 volt battery you can if you set the charger on low.

Can you use a 12 amp charger to charge 6 amp battery?

You can charge a 12 volt battery with a 6 AMP charger. The amount of amps put out by the charger is actually the rate which the power flows out from the charger, not the amount of volts it will charge. Volts and Amps are two different things. You can't charge up a 12 volt battery all the way, using a 6 volt charger. You can charge a 12 volt battery with a 12 volt charger rated at '6 amps'. It will charge the battery faster than a 2 amp charger will, but it will take longer than using a 12 amp charger. You probably don't want to use anything higher than a 12-16 amp charger for charging a 12 volt battery. Some chargers are equipped with a 60amp boost charge that is used for starting the vehicle, without having much of a charge in the battery. You DO NOT want to attempt charging a battery with it set to a 60amp boost charge. That is for starting vehicles only and could damage your battery. Keep in mind that the lower the amps are, that you use to charge the battery (1-2amps), will result in the charge lasting longer without recharging it, than if it was charged up at a higher setting (12-16amps).

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It is not recommended to use a 12 volt charger to charge a 14.4 volt battery as the charger may not provide enough voltage to fully charge the battery. Using the correct voltage charger will ensure efficient and safe charging of the battery.

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There is no safe way to charge ANY battery without a charger rated for that particular battery. You could easily destroy the battery if you try.

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No, you cannot charge a 28 volt aircraft battery with a 12 volt car charger. The charger voltage needs to match the battery voltage for safe and effective charging. Using a charger with a lower voltage can damage the battery and pose safety risks.

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No, you can not charge a mobile battery using torch cell. <<>>> i think charger need and mobile the same. also battery.

How can i charge my car battery from home using a laptop charger?

Sorry, but that is not likely to work. Both the voltage and amperage provided by a charger for a laptop battery will not be correct for a car battery. It is likely that you will damage the charger.

LG Phoenix 2 wont turn on?

Either the battery is not retaining its charge - OR - the charger isn't charging the battery. Either way try using another battery - or charger.

Can you go on your computer if it is ran out of battery and how do you charge it if you do not have a charger?

You cannot using an computer if is has running out of battery, and if not having an charger putted the computer in the microwave creates energy.

How you can charge 12 v lead battery by using solar?

Yes, if you have a 12 V solar battery charger.