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I'm thinking the coolant level in the reservoir is to high to begin with. The cooling system has to work harder when the ac is running. The coolant expands as it heats up. If the coolant level was high to start with it will push out the excess.

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Q: When running the ac the car will leak collant from reservoir?
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Is your car still under warranty? If so, I suggest taking it to the dealer. I noticed the reservoir had a slow leak in the new car I bought this year. This is not something that happens often so they have to order parts, but my repair is covered by the warranty. I hope that helps. Pepper

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you may have a head gasket leak. And check under your car for fluid leaks. A head gasket leak is serious get it check out immediately.

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Replacing reservoir sensor in 1999 Volvo S70?

If you are standing in front of the car, the reservoir is on the left. The coolant reservoir, and steering fluid reservoir are attached. You will need a small screwdriver to pry the sensor gently out of the bottom of reservoir. Nothing will leak out because it does not make contact with the antifreeze. Unplug the sensor from the cable and take it with you to the dealer. A new one cost about $22 to $24. Its a 10 to 15 min repair.