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You can use studded tires at any time of the year and not have any problems from officials.

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Q: When is it legal to use studded tires in Oregon?
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Related questions

Is it legal to use studded tires on public roads?

Studded tires can only be used on public roads in some states. Consult with your county to see if you can use them.

Are studded snow tires legal on front end AWD?

Yes they legal to use on any drivetrain in any configuration. The laws governing use of studded tires only apply to the dates where use is permitted. For example I have studded tires on all 6 dually tires on my 4x4 truck, however I may not use even a single studded tire on any vehicle between may thru october. That is my local law, for example, and the dates may not apply to you

When can you use studded snow tires in NJ?

You are allowed to use studded snow tires in New Jersey from November 14th to April 1st.

Are tire chains legal in Kansas?

The use of tire chains are legal in the state of Kansas. You can also use studded tires in Kansas during the months of November through March.

Are studded snow tires legal in all states?

No, they are not legal in all states. Some states even have seasonal restrictions on their use. Contact your state DOT to find out.

Are studded snow tires legal in West Virgina?

Yes, their use is permitted Nov 1st, thru April 15th. Any other time they are not permitted.

When can you put studded tires on your car in the state of Pennsylvania?

Yes, studded tires are permissible from November 1 to April 15. Do not use them at any other time or you may be fined.

Why don't zamboni slip on ice?

Ice resurfacers use studded tires.

Are studded tires allowed in new jersey?

The law states that you can use chains, if weather conditions permit it. There is nothing written that actually uses the term "Studded Tire"

Are studded snow tires legal in Indiana?

Yes, studded snow tires are legal in Indiana from October 1 to May 1. They must be used only on the drive axle and are not allowed on the steering or non-drive axles. Always check with local regulations for the most up-to-date information.

Can you remount tires once they are studded?

Yes you can. But use care not to switch sides. doing so will cause many of the studs to dislodge.

Can you please answer this The use of metal chains and studded tires (damage damages) roadways by chipping away at the surface.?

The correct one is damages.