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An oil leak is always going to be out of the engine as the engine contains oil and the car does not. I think you are saying you are loosing oil with no apparent leak. If that is the case the engine is burning oil and that is why you see no leaks.

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Q: What would cause oil to leak out of engine but not out of car?
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engine gaskets and seals don't last forever. to properly diagnose what is leaking, have an auto shop check your car out. they can visually check your car out, and, if necessary, put a dye into the engine to find the leak.

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1) A hole or crack in the engine block 2) leak in any oil passageways or hoses. 3) Missing oil pan plug. It would be best to get underneath your car and look for oil leaks. If ALL your oil is gone then you should have no problem identifying the leak. Pour a little oil in the engine oil filler hole and see where it leaks back out. DO Not drive without oil!!!! you'll ruin your engine.

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