your barrins in the wheels
It sounds like it could be a rust build up on the backing plate. best to have it checked out.
bad rotors
wheel bearing
most grinding noises that come from turning is usually a cv axle that needs to be replaced. Can also be a bad wheel bearing. If you hear the grinding when turning to the right then the left front wheel bearing is bad.
I have been told it may be the Alternator eeding a refurb
Yes they can make a grinding noise, if they are bad.
Sure it isn't scale on the discs? retract the pads and give the discs a spin.
is the noise coming from the new fuel pump (in the tank)? if so the new fuel pump is bad
The grinding is a worn CV joint. Get it replaced before it causes more damage! A worn wheel bearing will make the same noise answer worn wheel bearings or worn brake pads will be the cause
have it checked you could have bent the axle and the noise would be the bearing
If its front wheel drive possibly an axle.