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Q: What way is the wind blowing right now?
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If the wind from a hurricane is blowing in your face which way is the hurricane located?

The hurricane is located in the direction from which the wind is coming. So, if the wind is blowing in your face, the hurricane is ahead of you in that direction.

Who uses a wind sock?

To tell a) whether the wind is blowing or not -AND- b) which way the wind is blowing ~

Does wind direction mean the way the wind is blowing or the direction it is coming from?

Wind direction refers to the direction from which the wind is blowing. For example, a south wind means the wind is coming from the south and blowing towards the north.

Why was he blowing bubbles at you at someones wedding?

He probably had a crush on you. Or maybe the wind was blowing your way.

What does the river movement mean?

When the river moves a certain way,it means the wind is blowing that way. For example, if the river is moving north, it means the wind it blowing north because the wind causes the river to move that way.

How does wind affect the planes course?

It depends on which way the wind is blowing. Because if the wind is blowing into the side of the plane then the pilot has to fight against the wind just to keep the plane on course.

What does an weathervane used for?

So we can tell which way the wind is blowing.

What does a weather vain tell you?

It will tell you which way the wind is blowing

What would you use to find out which way the wind is blowing?

You can find out which way the wind is blowing by using a weather vane or by observing the movement of trees, flags or grass. Another option is to use a handheld anemometer to measure wind direction and speed.

There are three pine trees and the wind is blowing north what way are the leaves blowing?

there are no leaves, only pine needles

What party is Paula Pierson affiliated with?

Depends on which way the wind is blowing.

Does the arrow of a weather vane show the direction the wind is blowing or the way the wind is blowing from?

it points into the wind. wind direction is referenced so that if you face the direction the metiorologist says the wind is, it will hit you in the face. ie.. 10kts @ 040 (or north east), if you turn to the north east, the wind will be blowing in your face.