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Depends on type of car or truck.

four wheel drive pickup hard body

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Q: What type of manuel transmission fluid?
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it should say in your owners manual.

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in the manuel transmission through the check/fill plug

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According to the 2001 Ford Ranger Owner Guide : Motorcraft MERCON automatic transmission fluid is used in the 5 speed manual transmission

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None, if it is a manuel

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On the 2002 Mitsubishis Lancer , you add the transmission fluid down the dipstick tube. There is a specific fluid for manual transmissions , that information is in the manual under Fluid Capacities.

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The type of automatic transmission fluid to use should be engraved on the transmission fluid dipstick

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What type of transmission fluid is for 1997 Chevy Blazer?

You can use any type of SAE certified transmission fluid in your 1997 Chevrolet Blazer. You can check the transmission fluid level with the transmission fluid dipstick.