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Water is in your engine. Check intake and head gaskets.

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Q: What to do if car makes white smoke from exhaust?
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Why is my turbo car blowing white smoke out of the exhaust?

its farting

What is the reason for white smoke from your cars exhaust?

possible blown head gasket. I don't get white smoke from my exhaust! is it from yours? If it is just after you start your car it is normal.

I have white smoke from exhaust in my 1998 Toyota Corolla?

White smoke from the exhaust indicates that your car is burning water in the combustion chamber. This is an indication of a bad head gasket.

Why is white smoke coming out of your exhaust in your 92 Lincoln town car?

White smoke out of the exhaust means that there is coolant getting into the combustion chamber. Usually due to a bad head gasket.

Your 1994 Oldsmobile has white smoke coming out the exhaust What is wrong with it?

Car maintenance is very important for a smooth ride. When there is white smoke coming out of the exhaust, it is usually an indication of water in the engine.

What does a car have white smoke coming from the exhaust when put into reverse?

Reverse has nothing to do with it, unless the smoke is coming from your differential. White smoke typically indicates you are burning oil somewhere.

Car burns oil and white smoke comes out of the exhaust?

Yes, this is simply showing your car is working, however, what SHOULD'NT come out of your exhaust pipe is red flames. If that is what's coming out, I'd check with mechanic. In general, Blue smoke, engine oil. Black smoke, excess fuel. White smoke, engine coolant.

What is happening when my E55AMG has white smoke from one exhaust pipe?

i have 05 e55amg and just notice white smoke from the exhaust when i start the car and i will drop it off to the dealer to check what the hell is wrong and i will update as soon as i find out.

Why do car run hot and white smoke from exhaust?

This can be caused by a cracked head or blown head gasket.

White smoke from exhaust when first cranking motor?

White smoke from the exhaust is a symptom of coolant entering the combustion chamber. You either have a blown head gasket or cracked head or both. STOP driving the car until you can have it repaired.

Yesterday you just had your oil changed in your 2007 mustang GT This morning a puff of white smoke came out the exhaust as you started it No smoke afterwards Why did it do that?

White smoke in the exhaust means water is being burned in the engine. A small puff of white smoke the first time you start a car in the morning is normal. Water condenses in the intake, and engine and when you firsts start the engine it burns off producing a puff of white smoke. It is nothing to concern yourself with unless the car is constantly blowing white smoke.

Why does white smoke come out of the exhaust system when you first start the car up?

White smoke from the exhaust is a symptom of coolant entering the combustion chamber. You have a blown head gasket, cracked head, or both. STOP driving this car immediately. You will destroy the engine if you continue to drive it in this condition.