used to increase the power level of the transmitting signal
Transmitting 12 volts of power.
coupling is a device used to connect two shafts together at their ends for the purpose of transmitting power.
There are "v" belts, "serpentine" belts and "timing" belts.
When a neuron is not transmitting a signal, it is at rest.
It depends upon how far you need to take it.
When a neuron is not transmitting a signal, it is at rest.
Different types of belts have many different uses depending on the need. Drive belts are used for an engines's fly wheel. Weightlifting belts are used to support a person when lifting weights. Seat belts are used to protect drivers and passengers in automobiles.
The ac, power steering and alternator will have separate tensioners (the units slide on a bracket to tighten) if they have separate belts. Loosen the units and the belts will come off. If a serpentine belt is used there only one tensioner.
Used conveyor belts usually do not have further use.
Transmitting any signal requires energy. "Power" is energy per time unit; for example, if 10 mJ are used for the transmission every second, then the power is 10 mW. "Average"... Well, presumably the amount of signal power can change over time, so the average is taken for a certain time period. For example, when transmitting 1's and 0's, it may be that transmitting a "1" requires more energy than transmitting a "0" (depending on how the information is encoded); the average in this case would be taken with the assumption that the same number of 1's and 0's are transmitted in the long run.
A coupling is a device used to connect two shafts together at their ends for the purpose of transmitting power. Couplings do not normally allow disconnection of shafts during operation.