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Al search Engine's do try to ensure that their results are trustworthy. For example Google has over 200 factors which it considers to generate its results, and assign them rank. Trustworthiness is a major factor amongst them.

Every search Engine places importance on the fact that whether a particular link is trustworthy, and is ti endorsed (linked back) to other genuine and trustworthy sites.

However, since almost all the popular search engine use web crawlers, which perform the crawling and indexing automatically, machine error does creep in. Which basically means that most popular search engine's do tend to get fooled once in a while by some websites, and end up posting spammers/ faulty results.

Recently a new search engine 'Blekko' has been launched, which seeks to make the web searches more productive and useful. This search engines, employs people to manually weed out the spamming website and those sites that are 'not trustworthy'.

So currently 'Blekko' is at the top of 'trustworthy' search engine

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