What grease is the same as Mobil shc 32?
Equivalent of Mobil SHC-32 is ARAL Aralub SKL 2, Castrol Product
783/46, Esso Beacon 325, FUCHS Renolit S2 or Renolit HLT2, Klober
OSOFLEX TOPAS NCA 52 or PETAMO GHY 133N, Shell Aero Grease 16 oder
7. See page 5 of this document:
http://nord.com/cms/media/documents/bw/B1042_DE_GB_FR_1207.pdf And
on page 117 of this document
http://www.watson-marlow.com/pdfs-global/spx-f-02.pdf The UK
equivalent, Mobilith SHC-32 is no longer made. Beware of Aero
greases, they tend to be more expensive. Can I ask you are you in
the UK and have you managed to find a source for any of these yet?
I am searching for some for our Earth Station Antenna.