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Q: What objective evidence could an auditor expect to be available in order to verify conformance with the requirements of clause 4.3.2 of iso 14001?
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Is psychology objective and value free?

psychology is a science and as such as is objective. it is a self-criticizing and reforming science that is dynamic and adapts to evidence that is available at a given time without neglecting the possibility of contrary evidence. Theories in psychology and every other science can not be proven but can be confirmed with evidence.

What is An objective and judicious approach to empirical evidence?

An objective and judicious approach to empirical evidence involves analyzing data without bias or preconceived notions, considering all available information, and drawing conclusions based on the evidence rather than personal beliefs. It involves critically evaluating the quality and reliability of the evidence, being open to alternative interpretations, and reaching conclusions that are supported by the data.

What evidence do we have that suggests the existence of an external objective reality?

An 'out of body' experience is as close as you can get to that evidence.

What is an antonym for objective?

Subjective is an antonym for objective. It refers to personal opinions and beliefs rather than facts and evidence.

What term describes evidence of a disease?

Objective evidence of disease such as a fever is called a/an sign.

How do you differentiate philosophy from the positive science?

Sience is objective and requires empiracle evidence. Philosophy is subjective and does not require empiracle evidence.

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What is the courts responsibility in criminal cases?

To hear and oversee testimony and evidence from both sides to ensure that it is presented in conformance with existing law and, in the instance of a "bench trial' to render a judgement as the guilt, or not, of the accused.

What does it mean for scientific evidence to be objective?

For scientific evidence to be objective, it means that it is based on observations and data that are independent of personal beliefs or biases. It should be reproducible and verifiable by multiple independent researchers. This helps ensure that the evidence is reliable and accurate.

What is an objective claim?

assert that something actually exist and present evidence that is demonstrably factual.

What are the requirements for winning a judgment for nonpayment on a personal loan?


What is the difference between an objective statement and a non objective statement?

An objective statement is based on facts and observable phenomena, while a non-objective statement is influenced by personal opinions, biases, or emotions. Objective statements are verifiable and rooted in evidence, whereas non-objective statements often reflect subjective viewpoints or interpretations.