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Q: What makes a car not crank or click but the battery is good?
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classic case of a bad battery. if the battery is good, then the starter motor has a short in it

Why is it that sometimes my 2002 Trans am starts right up and other times it doesnt crank or start and the battery is good.?

you can try to short the starter motor . take a screw driver and bridge ffrom battery cable on starter to ignition wire on starter. if starter is good, engine will crank. if starter is bad , solenoid will click if no clicking, solenoid is bad

Why will my 1997 camaro have battery power but will not crank?

take the battery terminals off and clean them and the battery mountings on the battery real good and reinstall.

Your 2002 jeep gc will not start it makes a click sound when key is turned but no crank the battery is good and the car has been running great to this point could it be the map sensor or the starter?

It can be a bad starter, but it can be a corroded battery cable. If you know the battery and cables are good, remove the starter and have it tested at most auto parts stores.It can be a bad starter, but it can be a corroded battery cable. If you know the battery and cables are good, remove the starter and have it tested at most auto parts stores.

Why wont a Mitsubishi 3000 gt crank if battery is good?

Starter is not working.

1992 ford ranger wont start all it makes is a click new battery and you think the starter is good. the click comes from a small round things in front of the battery. whats the problem?

It sounds like the starter solenoid is bad.

1988 firebird gta 5.7L will not crank battery and starter is good?

take the battery terminals off and clean them and the battery posts real good with a wire brush and reinstall and see what happens.

What if your battery works on your 2000 Chevy Venture but it wont crank?

this happen to me and turned out to be corrosion on battery terminal, clean them very good.

Is it the starter or another problem if a 1990 ford bronco will not turn over even after attempting to jump start it?

Yes, most likely its the starter if the battery is fully charged and it still wont crank. When you turn the key, you should hear a click. That click is the starter engaging. No click, means the starter is no good.

Your car will take a jump start and run fine but as soon as you turn the car off it is totally dead no crank no click no anything the battery is about 6 months old alternator 7 months What is wrong?

I'm not a mechanic / technician but that sounds like your battery has a dead cell if your battery cable connections are good

What is the problem with a 1995 Dodge Neon when it doesn't start and it is not the starter or battery it just makes a click noise?

have you checked the cables to see if they are corroided, loose, or broken If your battery is good then it is your starter you will need to replace it.

Why does click when starting changed battery?

If you know the battery and connections at the battery are good then it is more than likely a defective starter.