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In simple terms, the current passes through the tungsten filament present in the bulb which causes it to heat instantaneously into red hot to white hot and hence light energy emits.

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Q: What makes a bulb light?
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How can lemon make a bulb light?

the Sparks on the copper makes the wire on the light bulb makes the 9v light bulb turn on.

What are the positives of a light bulb?

it makes light

What is Something that makes light?

a light bulb dummy.

What are the positive effects of a light bulb?

it makes light

What was the content in the first bulb?

The bulb contains electomagnetic waves that makes the bulb light.

Time line what makes the light bright?

Light bulb

What kind of energy makes the light bulb light up?

Electricity is the energy source that powers a light bulb and makes it light up. When electricity flows through the filament in a light bulb, it generates heat and light, resulting in illumination.

What makes lemons be able to light a light bulb?

The citrus inside of it.

What type of energy makes a light bulb glow?

An electric light bulb converts electrical energy into thermal energy which is in the form of radiated light and heat. For example, the " easy bake oven" uses a light bulb to cook the food.

What simple machines makes up the base of a light-bulb?

The bottom of a light bulb is a screw.

Which type of energy makes a light bulb feel warm?

The type of energy that makes a light bulb feel warm is heat energy. This energy is generated as a byproduct of the light bulb's operation and is emitted in the form of infrared radiation, which can be felt as warmth.

What happens when a light bulb burns out?

When a light bulb burns out, it means that the filament inside the bulb has broken or worn out, disrupting the flow of electricity and causing the bulb to stop producing light. The bulb will no longer work until the filament is replaced.