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SAE 10w30 full synthetic.

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Q: What kind of oil to use in a polaris sportman 500?
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What kind of oil can you use on a polaris scrambler 500?

Best bet is Polaris synthetic.

What kind of transmission oil does a polaris 500 use?

If you do not want to use Polaris trans oil ,they recommend 30 w engine oil

Can you put car tranmisson oil in a polaris sportman 400?

Use exactly what Polaris recommends. If you can find a compatible fluid in an automobile transmission fluid then you can use it.

What kind of oil goes in the transmission of a polaris 500 sportsman?

t hye besrt kind du h

What kind of oil do you use for polaris sportsman 500?

0W-40. I use the AMZOIL blend in mine.

What kind of oil do you put in a Polaris sportsman 500?

0W-40. I use the AMZOIL ATV blend in mine.

What oil goes in a polaris scrambler 500?

Penis oil

What type of oil do use in a predator 500?

Only use Polaris oil or amsoil in any polaris.

What kind of oil does a polaris sportsman 500 use?

Polaris Premium 4 Synthetic 10-40 or a good quality oil like Castrol Gtx for motorcycles some walmart stores carry it .

How much oil is required to change oil in Polaris outlaw 500 ATV?

Approximately 2 quarts of oil are needed to change the oil of a Polaris Outlaw 500 ATV. Slightly more oil is needed if the filter is changed.

Can you use regular motor oil in Polaris sportsman 500?

Yes, as long as you use the correct SAE weight oil. Polaris oil is regular oil.

What kind of motor oil for Polaris sportsman 500?

You can use the factory oil change package that is about $30 or you can use a 0W-40 oil mobile one makes it and there are a few others.