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Q: What is the slang for transmission?
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Where is the cylinder located in the transmission of a 1998 transport?

There is no such thing as a cylinder in a transmission, but there are possible components that some people may use slang epressions to describe them

What does tranny mean?

It is an offensive slang word for Transvestite, meaning a person who wears the clothes of the opposite sex. It is also short for transmission.

What is the definition of tranny?

"Tranny" is a slang term used to refer to a transgender person, particularly a transgender woman. However, it is considered derogatory and offensive by many in the transgender community, so it is best to avoid using it.

What is military slang for Morse code?

Commonly referred to in the U.S. Navy as CW. Abbreviation/acronym for Continuous Wave, a method of radio transmission (telegraphy).

What is a turbo 350?

"Turbo 350" is a slang expression for General Motor's Turbohydramatic 350 automatic transmission. It is a 3-speed fully automatic transmission originally intended for use with engines that produced up to approximately 350 pound-feet of torque.

What is slang for knees Wheels are slang for feet?

Dogs is slang for feet.Wheels is slang for car.

Is slang rude?

No, not necessarily. Some slang can be, but most slang is not.

What is slang for can?

The slang for can is ''diddy''

What is the meaning of slang word?

This word "Slang" is an abbreviation of "Sick Language" i.e. SLANG. and in slang "Sick" means "Cool".

What does lang mean in slang?

Slang is slang It's the s' "LANG " uage.

What is goggles slang for?

It is slang for eyeglasses

What is the plural of slang?

Slang is a collective term. It has no plural form.