you will have to get a brake caliper tool. the rear caliper the center part turn or screws in with this tool
Rear caliper to rear caliper bracket bolts, 32 ft. lbs.
The rear brake caliper on the G6 has a screw-type piston setup. The piston must be screwed back down into seated position, not pressed. Special caliper screw-in tools are available at local auto part stores and tool supply centers. Better kits will come with several size fittings for several caliper sizes.
to put the squeeze on your rear discs
Should be 2 mounting bolts at the rear of caliper
The chin strap attaches in the back part of the bit and the rear side of the brilde.
Depending on the make/model/year of vehicle, you may have to get a rear caliper tool. Some rear calipers need to be turned to retract them.
Two mounting bolts at rear of caliper - then slide caliper off rotor
rear brakes on the 1996 ford thunder bird caliper is a screw caliper . yes or no...
It is on rear of engine (where it attaches to tranny). Experienced auto repair personell should replace this part.
Use a C clamp that carpenters use to hold pieces of wood together. Put the solid part of the clamp on the back of the caliper and the screw part inside the piston and tighten the piston back into the bore.