The ossicular chain.
The ossicular chain is made up of three small bones in the middle ear: the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes (stirrup). These bones work together to transmit sound vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear.
another operative procedure used in the reconstruction of a perforation of the tympanic membrane. It is performed when the middle ear space, its mucosa, and the ossicular chain are free of active infection.
The stapes covers the oval window in the middle ear. It is part of the ossicular chain, which helps transmit sound vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear.
It is the reconstruction of tiny bones of the middle ear
A sound wave is a type of pressure wave that travels through the air. As the wave travels into the ear canal (fancy name=external auditory meatus), it first will hit the ear drum (tympanic membrane). Since the sound wave is actually a pressure wave, it will push against the ear drum which will then rebound. This results in a vibration of the ear drum. The ear drum is connected to three little bones (malleus, incus and stapes) - the smallest bones in your body. These bones (together called the ossicular chain) rock back and forth when the ear drum vibrates thereby transmitting the pressure wave down the ossicular chain to the cochlea. The cochlea is a fluid filled sac and the ossicular chain is connected to it. As the ossicular chain vibrates, it pushes against the fluid in the cochlea. This causes the fluid to move around in a particular way so that special hairs within the cochlea are moved. These hair cells are in turn attached to a nerve cell. As the hair cells are moved, they activate the nerve cells which send information down a chain of neurones going up your brain stem, to your thalamus (medial geniculate nucleus) and then to your brain's auditory cortex which is when you perceive sound.
For tympanoplasty with ossicular reconstruction, the patient usually stays in the hospital overnight
Ossiculoplasty is a surgical process wherein there is reconstruction of the ossicular chain in the ear. Ossicular chain in a normal person, is formed by three tiny bones called malleus, incus and stapes placed in the middle ear. The malleus is attached to the ear drum on one end and to the incus, at the other end. The incus connects the other two bones. The stapes connects the incus to the oval window of the inner ear. The function of these three ear ossicles is to transmit sound waves from the ear drum to the fluid in the inner ear. When these small bones get damaged, then hearing is drastically affected and leads to conductive hearing loss. Hence their repair or reconstruction is most important for restoring normal hearing.
Conductive hearing loss occurs in the outer or middle ear. (Something stuck in hear canal, perforated ear drum, breakdown in the ossicular chain)Sensorineural loss occurs in the inner ear inside cochlea where the tinny hair cells have become damaged.
The tympanic membrane is located in the ossicular system that is found in the ear. This membrane helps to move sound from the outer ear to the inner ear.
Type IV tympanoplasty is used for ossicular destruction, which includes all or part of the stapes arch. It involves placing a graft onto or around a mobile stapes footplate.
The noun 'chain' is a collective noun for:a chain of bobolinksa chain of convictsa chain of islandsa chain of lynxa chain of mountainsa chain of surveyors