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Q: What is the most popular search engine in China?
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What is China's version of Google?

Baidu is the most popular search engine there.

Is google the most popular search engine in the world?

Yes, Google is the most popular search engine in the world.

What search engine is most popular?

The oldest one was aol, and back then it was the most popular search engine. Then Google came along, and beat aol. Now, google is the most popular search engine.

What is the most popular search engine?

The oldest one was aol, and back then it was the most popular search engine. Then google came along, and beat aol. Now, google is the most popular search engine.

Whats the most popular search engine?

Google Google is the search engine used widely all over the world.

What happens if there is no Google?

Another search engine will take up the spot of most dominating/popular search engine. Most likely Bing, the second most popular.5 most popular search engines by traffic size:GoogleBingAskAOLYahoo

What is the most popular search engine name is similar to a milk drink?

The most popular search engine is Google because of it's other products and speed.

What s the most popular search engine in Russia?


What are the most searched sites?

Google is most popular search engine in the world

What company has created the most popular search engine on the internet?


What is the most commonly used feature on the internet?

The most commonly used feature on the internet is the search engines. The most popular search engine is Google.

What was Google made for?

It started as a college project to create a search engine. It became the most popular search engine in the world and a huge business venture.