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Q: What is the main means of transporting oil?
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What do you use an oil tanker for?

Transporting Oil.

What are some of the risks involved with transporting oil?

if the transporting fails, the oil cansink in the sea

What is one risk of transporting oil?

Crude oil

What are tubes for transporting oil called?

Oil Lines or pipe lines.

What are the problems in transporting crude oil?

it can explode!

What are the methods of transporting crude oil?


Do oil spills happen in the marine ecosystem?

yes while transporting oil through large ships

What effect did the railways have on the cost of transporting goods?

AnswerNatural waterways provided the chief means for transporting goods in the south.

What are some good things about transporting oil on ships?

Hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil can be transported all at the same time. This cuts down on the cost of transportation. You could never transport enough oil from oil producing countries around the world by any other means to meet the demand.

What are Alaska's natural resources means of production main products main attracions ect?

Some of Alaska's natural resources are Salmon, oil, gold and the main attractions are fishing, dog sledding, ect. Oil leases.

What provided the chief means for transporting goods in the south?

natural waterways

Means of carrying people or things from one place to another?
