What is the spark gap plug setting on a 2007 Honda accordAnswerwhat is the spark plug gap setting on a 2007 Honda accord?
What is the spark gap plug setting on a 2007 Honda accordAnswerwhat is the spark plug gap setting on a 2007 Honda accord?
The spark plug gap for a 1.6 liter Honda engine should be 0.044 inches. Most Honda engines use the same gap setting.
.028 in.
The spark plug gap for a 1994 Honda Civic should be set at .044 inches. This gap will be preset at the factory for new spark plugs.
if you buy a new spark plug for your 2001 xr80r and it has a gap setting, set the setting all the way to the top of the plug as far as you can get it.
ever body likes Honda & it is new ,new stuff are coming
The thickness of a business card!
When changing the spark plugs of a car it is important to leave the right gap size. The Spark plug gap for this car is .042 inches.
what is the gap for a 2006 honda vtx 1300 using a honda plug or a autolite ?
GAP .030"
What is the spark plug gap for a 1992 honda civic. .