Yes, when you read vr aloud you can shorten it to v of r.
V/R = Very Respectfully R/S = Respectfully Submitted r/ = respectfully
The only difference is the hyphen.
== ==
Yes, when you read vr aloud you can shorten it to v of r.
Yes, when you read vr aloud you can shorten it to v of r.
Yes, when you read vr aloud you can shorten it to v of r.
x/r=v x=vr
The power pack has internal resistance of its own, equal to r. The voltage across the load resistance R is therefore: VR = 12(R / R + r) Thus the P.D. (VR) varies according to the load resistance R; it is impossible to ascribe an absolute value to it.
They r the same. There is no difference.
There is very little difference in performance between R-12 and R-143A Freon oil. R-12 oil is more damaging to the environment while R-134A is less harmful.
The 'r'