Search Engine optimization is about optimizing a website for search engine (as the name suggests) but mostly for the users, since big Search Engines today like Google rate a website good or bad based on the experiences and review a user has with it. Get Best SEO tools in >>>
Mobile optimization in internet marketing today is a really big thing since people like to search on the go. This very process involves making a website mobile friendly so that it can adopt itself based on the size of the device a user is utilizing to search.
Along with optimizing your site for search engines, it is also very important to make your website more user friendly since the latter one targets more Internet users worlwide. Get Best SEO tools in >>>
The spelling of Mobile is Mobile there is no difference between them.
the difference between Telecommunication and Mobile communication that , tele related to wire communication and mobile related to wireless communication
RF Optimization means radio frequency optimization and it means improving and optimizaing the mobile or GSM network using the exixted and available components only and RF optimization is a department in any mobile operator company.
difference between mobile phone and tablet
They are both the same thing. Cellular phones are Mobile phones.
what is the difference between N series and C series in nokia mobile phones
Mobile access platform has the word "access" between "Mobile" and "Platform" where the "Mobile elevated work platform" has "Elevated work" between them...
they are same thing
well the difference is that portable Internet access is portable and mobile Internet access is mobile simple as that.
Mobile broadband is way sloer that wi-fi.
There's not a difference. They are one and the same.
In my opinion, it's kinda the same thing. But you should be more detailed when you write App Description and Tittle of your app and there are some differences for Apple Store and Google Play.For more Info you can visit my website and ask questioneliteglobesolutions com