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The current Euro-V diesel product specification used by much of the world requires diesel to be between 0.820 kg/l and 0.845 kg/l at 15.6°C. This variation has to do with the amount of kerosene (jet-fuel) blended into diesel. In the winter more kerosene will be blended into diesel to ensure no cold properties (such as cold filter plug point (CFPP) and/or cloud point) are exceeded. In the summer less kerosene is blended into diesel because kerosene almost always sells for a higher price than diesel.

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Q: What is the density of diesel oil?
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1 kg diesel oil is how many litres?

The result will vary, depending on the type of diesel and its temperature. Diesel fuel oil 20 to 60 at 15ºC has a density of 0.820 to 0.950 kg/L I believe a good average value is Diesel oil 40 at 15ºC with a density of 0.850 kg/L 1 metric ton = 1000 kg 1000 kg / 0.850 kg/L = 1176.47 liters SJ

What is the specific gravity of automotive gas oil?

Diesel fuel has a density of approx. 0,83 g/cm3.

What is the relative density to water of fuel oil?

Fuel oil typically has a relative density of around 0.8 to 0.95 compared to water, which has a relative density of 1. This means that fuel oil is less dense than water.

Diesel or petrol has a higher density?


How the density of diesel measured?

The density of diesel is typically measured using a hydrometer or a densitometer. These instruments determine the density of the diesel fuel by measuring the buoyancy or the refractive index of the liquid. Density can also be calculated by dividing the mass of a given volume of diesel by that volume.

Is diesel a gas or an oil?

diesel is a fuel that has oil in it

What is diesel oil?

"Diesel oil" or "Heavy oil" is another term for diesel fuel. Not to be confused with "engine oil for a diesel engine" which means lubricating oil specially formulated for use in diesel rather than petrol engines.

What is the formula to calculate diesel quantity in liters with the density and weight?

What is density?? Density = Weight / Volume. So if the density and weight are given, you can easily find the volume of diesel.

What is the density of diesel?

The density of petroleum diesel is about 0.85 kg/l whereas petrol (gasoline) has a density of about 0.72 kg/l, about 15% less

What is the density of diesel used in vehicles?

100 DENSITY thats it..

Is diesel is type of oil?

Diesel just like gasoline and kerosene are a refinement of crude oil. Diesel is known as 'diesel oil' or 'heavy oil' and is the heaviest distillate of crude oil. Petrol is a spirit and is the lightest distillate.