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Most likely a bad axle

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Q: What is the cause of a grinding noise that appears in the front end of a vehicle after hitting a pothole?
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What is the cause of a grinding noise that appears in the right front wheel of a vehicle after hitting a kerb?

have it checked you could have bent the axle and the noise would be the bearing

What causes a tie rod to bend?

There are many causes for a tie rod on a vehicle to bend. This can occur due to hitting a pothole while driving or a curb.

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1st thought is you need shims if the flywheel is hitting the starter. What is the year and model of the vehicle?

What causes the fuel pump shutoff switch to cut off on 2003 ford ranger?

A bad enough " jolt " to the vehicle from a collision or hitting a bad pothole etc , anything that would make the little metal ball jump off the magnet and trip the switch

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Fuel cutout switch is a safety item. It functions only in the event of a vehicle rollover, by cutting off the fuel supply from the gas tank. This is designed to limit the amount of free fuel in the event of a fire. ======================================================= Also , in a collision or maybe hitting a bad pothole , anything that jars the vehicle enough

What does the fuel pressure inertia switch do in a 1992 ford f 150?

The fuel PUMP inertia switch is a safety device that supposedly " trips " when the vehicle has been jarred in a collision or maybe hitting a really bad pothole . It is a mechanical switch that , when it trips , does not allow power to the electric fuel pump

What does the fuel rest switch do on a ford sport trac?

The fuel pump shut off switch ( inertia switch ) is a safety device that cuts off the flow of power to the ELECTRIC fuel pump on a Ford when it has been involved in a collision ( or maybe hitting a really bad pothole , anything that " jars / upsets " the vehicle )

What is the inertia switch in a ford?

It's a safety device that " breaks " the electrical circuit to an electric fuel pump if the vehicle has been jarred enough from a collision or hitting a bad pothole That way no power is going to the electric fuel pump , and the pump doesn't keep pumping fuel until the switch is manually reset

What can cause drag on a vehicle?

Air hitting the vehicle will cause drag. The bigger the vehicle the more are drags.

Fitting front disc pads in a 406 problems the wheel seems to rub on the disc.?

With aftermarket or hang on parts not original to a vehicle some modification may be needed. If the caliper is hitting the inside of the wheel some light grinding of the caliper may be needed for clearance.

What does an inirtia switch on 1995 sable do?

If the vehicle receives a substantial jolt from a collision or perhaps hitting a bad pothole , the inertia switch will trip and open the electrical circuit so that no power gets to the electric fuel pump - it's a safety device . If the switch trips it has to be reset manually by pressing the button down that is located on the top of the switch

How can regain control of a vehicle in a skid?

put the gear into neutral. It will take you immediately out of your skid. It kept me from hitting a vehicle on ice.