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The cost should be between $100-$200. Typically no damage will be done to the vehicle as the engine will stop running before real damage occurs. What will need to be done is the fuel tank will need to be drained and the fuel lines purged. The fuel filter should also be replaced.

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Q: What is the Cost of repair to gasoline engine with diesel fuel?
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Do diesel cars generally cost more than gasoline engine cars?

Diesel cars do tend to cost more in general than gasoline engine cars. The claim on this is that it is more expensive to create and manufacture these vehicles, and due the fact that diesel vehicles are more fuel efficient.

Are Isuzu diesel engines expensive to repair?

Yes just about everything to do on a diesel engine is usually more expensive than that of a regular car engine. This is due to the higher price of diesel engine parts and labor cost to repair.

What happens when you put regular unleaded gasoline in a diesel engine?

Diesel fuel contains a wax like substance wich lubricates the diesel injection pump and the fuel injectors. Gasoline dos not contain anything like that needed to lubricate those parts. So the pump will sieze up and the engine will fail. A diesel engine rebuild can cost thousands.

Are diesel cars more efficient than normal cars?

Because of a diesel engines high compression ratio, it will always be more efficient than an equivalent gasoline engine. However, this higher compression ratio requires a heavier, more expensive engine which isn't able to reach as high an RPM as a gasoline engine. It is for these reasons that despite their higher efficiencies, diesel engines are less popular than their lighter, less expensive gasoline equivalents. Diesel cars will provide you with a higher MPG rating compared to a similar gasoline powered engine. The price for diesel fuel is generally higher than the cost of unleaded gasoline.

Which is better diesel or gasoline?

Diesel lasts five times longer, and gets double the miles per gallon. Gas cost a little less to get reparied, and the engine cost less if you are buying new. Diesel is way better though!

What is the difference in how a normal car engine and a diesel car engine in how they work?

diesel engines compress the fuel mixture much more than gasoline engines, diesel engines are always fuel injected while gasoline engines have the option of being carbureted, diesel engines usually cost more, diesels produce more power than a comparable gasoline engine, diesel engines have no distributor or spark system, and instead use glow plugs to ignite fuel, and diesel engines can be converted to run on vegetable oil with few modifications.

Why does diesel cost more than gasoline?

Diesel costs more then gasoline because it uses more petroleum to make it. Also, diesel costs more then gasoline because it has about 20% more energy then the same amount of gasoline.

How much more efficiency does a diesel engine got than a gasoline engine?

The diesel engine has more toque, gets better fuel mileage (30%) better, and will last longer with less maintenance. It does cost more initially and diesel fuel is more costly but for some applications is a wise choice.

Does it cost more to produce diesel fuel than regular gasoline?

I'm going to go with "No" as gasoline requires more refining than diesel does.

Can you use gasoline in diesel engine?

We cannot use gasoline in diesel engine. Gasoline will not detonate properly (detonates prematurely) in a Diesel engine rendering the power output at next to nothing.It will also damage the engine and cost of repairing is also very high. True: Diesel engines work by compressing the fuel and don't have spark plugs, they use compression to detonation diesel in the cylinders. However, in colder climates some people add maybe 1/2 gallon of E87 gas to a tank of diesel fuel to help keep the diesel from thickening and moving slower in the fuel lines. Added to a say a f250 or a Silverado fuel tank of 20gln the mix shouldn't effect the engine too much. Replacing glow plugs and fuel filters when the weather becomes more clement as part of a regu;ar service reduces risks of damage

Achieve Greater Fuel Economy with a Diesel Electric Hybrid?

The diesel hybrid is designed to increase fuel efficiency when compared to a gasoline hybrid. Because of the greater efficiencies of a diesel engine, it provides better fuel mileage and diesel contains approximately 10% more energy per gallon than gasoline. Diesels may achieve a fuel economy rating 50% higher than gasoline models. Couple these benefits to a hybrid and you can achieve significant cost savings over a gasoline-electric hybrid.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a diesel power plant?

The diesel engine is also known as a compression ignition engine to distinguish it from gasoline or spark ignition. Thermodynamically the diesel engine cycle is more efficient than gasoline (Otto cycle) because efficiency increases with compression ratio. Gasoline would ignite at compression ratios over 10 because of the heat generated during compression of the air and gasoline vapor. Diesel fuel is injected into the cylinder at much higher pressures than allowable in gasoline engines. Diesel power plants are efficient but the fuel is to expensive. Coal and natural gas are much cheaper fuels. Diesel fuel is more stable than gasoline (does not form a sludge easily like gasoline does) and therefore the engine and fuel can be left on standby for long periods. This makes diesel a good choice for emergency back up such as in fire protection systems and standby generators. Small scale diesel generators have lower capital cost than a boiler and steam turbine, which would be orders of magnitude larger in size. Also, steam power plants need a staff of operators.