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Q: What is inductive pressure sensor?
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Why inductive sensor work mainly on metal?

An inductive sensor depends on ferro-magnetism, which is a characteristic of certain metals, such as iron.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of inductive proximity sensor?

The advantages of inductive proximity sensors areThey are very accurate compared to other technologiesHave high switching rateCan work in harsh environmental conditionThe disadvantages of inductive proximity sensor areIt can detect only metallic targetsOperating range may be limited

What are the Advantages of pressure sensor?

what is advantages of pressure sensor?

What does a pump pressure sensor do?

The fuel pump pressure sensor monitors the fuel pressure of the vehicle.

What does a fuel pump pressure sensor do?

The fuel pump pressure sensor monitors the fuel pressure of the vehicle.

What does the differential pressure sensor do?

It's the MAP sensor...Manifold Absolute Pressure.

Where is fuel pressure sensor on 98 ford windstar?

There is no fuel pressure sensor.

Where is the camsencor on 1999 Tahoe 350?

The cam sensor is an inductive pickup type and is located directly beneath the distributor.

What is a delta pressure sensor?

It is a slang tern given to a Differential Pressure Sensor or Transducer.

Why does your oil light keep coming on your 2002 pt cruiser?

Oil pressure is low, oil pressure sensor has failedOil pressure is low, oil pressure sensor has failed

Will faulty oil pressure sensor harm engine?

No, a defective oil pressure sensor will not harm the engine as long as the oil pressure is what it should be. However, how do you know what the pressure is if the sensor is bad. Replace the sensor so that you can receive a warning if the oil pressure drops below what is optimum.

What is a fuel tank pressure sensor?

A fuel tank pressure sensor is a device used to measure the pressure in a fuel tank.