

What is another term for potentiometer?

Updated: 12/9/2022
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13y ago

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A potentiometer and a rheostat are two different applications for a variable resistor.

A potentiometer is a variable resistor, connected (using its three terminals) as a variable potential divider.

A rheostat is a variable resistor, connected (using two of its three terminals) to adjust current.

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A dual potentiometer is nothing but a potentiometer which has TWO channels.. Like two INs and two OUTs on the same unit.

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Sensitivity of potentiometer means~ smallest potential difference that can be measured with the help of it.

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The potentiometer is which type of tranducer?

The potentiometer is a position tranducer. It forms a resistance divider, proportional to position.

What is the senstivity of a potentiometer?

The volt drop across one mm of potentiometer is the sensitivity of the device. If it is calibrated in such a way that each mm of the potentiometer wire has a drop of 0.001 V then it is so sensitive.