one that is completely sealed, you are unable to check water level
doggy castle
Dilute sulphuric acid
Yes same procedure as regular battery
It stands for sealed maintenance free battery. You dont need to top up it.
Maintenance free
Yes. Maintenance free meaning you don't add water. It is a top mount battery. I just replaced my stock one from my 2010 Chevy Tahoe.
Make sure it's not "Maintenance Free." Add distilled water to the battery.
Maintenance free means just what the names implies. You will not need to add water to this battery ever.
Yes, most definitely.
No, this battery is a maintenance free battery. In fact it probably cannot even be opened to add water.
"Maintenance Free" BatteriesIn theory, maintenance free batteries are supposedly designed so as not to loose the water in the electrolyte, and thus not require that the vehicle operator regularly "pull" the cell cover plugs and add water.I personally have never "trusted" them and do not buy/use maintenance free batteries.
if its a maintenance free battery clean the terminals make sure its strapped down If not maintenance free, check the electrolyte level and top off with distilled water.