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a horn that looks like a flower

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Q: What is a flower horn?
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Flower horn can live with other flower horn?


Is a flower horn fish a mammal?

No, it is a fish.

Can your flower horn fish fertilize parrot fish eggs?

no, but a shark can

What is the scientific name for the Horn-of-plenty plant?

"Horn of Plenty" or also known as the Angel's Trumpet Flower has the scientific name "Brugmansia"

Is a Flower Horn fish an animal?

yes, it lives in the sea as a fish roaming around

Where is the flower horn fish came from?

Cross breed between goldfish with hump and cichlids

How many times you must feed flower horn fish?

3 or 4 times a day

Can you put a flower horn and a jelly bean parrot in the same tank?

Yes.they get along great

What is the biological name of a banyan tree?

biological name of banyan

Where can one purchase essences of flowers?

Flower Essences is a website which sells flower essences that you can have delivered to your home. Other such websites are Health Lines and Find Horn Essences.

How much does a flower horn fish cost?

Anywhere from around $50.00 to thousands of dollars. Depends on the fish, and the dealer.

Can you put the 8 inches flower horn in a 10 gallon tank?

You can but it is cruel and it wont live very long.