Here is an example of using a hyphen correctly: Justin was purpose-driven by his motivation to finish well.
"Example" is a word that begins with "ex." The prefix "ex-" in the sense of "former," takes a hyphen: ex-wife, ex-President.
No hyphen is needed for world class. World is just an adjective that describes class much like (for example) upper class, which also does not need a hyphen.
No, the correct spelling is extracurricular. Adding extra does not require a hyphen. For example, extraterrestrial is extra+terrestrial (no hyphen needed).
a hyphen EXAmPLE: golden - ball
I'm a pre-med student at school.
No. Just looked it up in a printed dictionary. In fact, no work with the 'multi' prefix uses a hyphen. For example, multilateral
Element - Atomic Mass # Example: Carbon - 12
lifetime is just one word and you don't use a hyphen. (example): Hopefully my parents won't die during my lifetime.
You say "A hyphen" because the sound of the letter "H" at the beginning of the word "hyphen" is pronounced, making it a consonant sound.
No, it does not have a hyphen.
It Is A Special Hyphen