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Q: What is Car starter ring gear ratio to starter?
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Why did my car make a loud grinding noise when i tryed to start it?

Starter and/or starter drive gear failure. This could lead to damaging the ring gear which is costly to repair.

Why is it a screeching noise when you start your car?

That would be a bad starter gear mesh. Gears not aligning correctly causes this. The most common reason for bad starter gear alignment is worn out gear on the starter or starter ring gear. One or both will need to be replaced soon.

What could be wrong if your car shrieks when trying to start it?

Bad starter, bad flywheel/ring gear, bad starter/flywheel alignment.

Why does my 1989 Harley Davidson sportster starter spin but does not engage the ring gear?

There's a clutch on the starter that acts like a Bendix gear on a car. This clutch is stripped out on your bike. You'll need to pull the starter to replace it.

How many rotations per minute does a car starter turn?

. "The ratio of the number of teeth on the ring gear and the starter drive pinion gear is usually between 15:1 and 20:1. This means the starter motor is rotating 15 to 20 times faster than the engine. Normal cranking speed for the engine is about 200 rpm. If the starter drive had a ratio of 18:1, the starter would be rotating at a speed of 3,600 rpm. If the engine started and was accelerated to 2,000 rpm, the starter speed would increase to 36,000 rpm. This would destroy the starter motor if it was not disengaged from the engine."

Can a carburetor change a car gear ratio?

no, the carburetor has nothing to do with your gear ratio.

When car is at an idle sounds like pieces of metal are tingin around in motor?

It may be the starter gone bad. The clearance from the starter gear to the ring gear has been reduced to near zero. it will make a ringie sound whilst running.

Where is the starter fuse located?

At the back end of the engine is a large ring gear connected to the engine crankshaft. If there is a starter (some engines do not have starters) it will be mounted in the engine such that the bendix gear of the starter can engage the ring gear and spin the crankshaft. It's called a bendix because it jumps out to engage the ring gear (while the starter motor is running) and retracts off of the ring gear once the engine is running (starter motor no longer running). It is typically access from under the car. If you must replace it, let the engine cool off first. Otherwise the starter will be just as hot as the engine is.

Why does the starter make a loud spinning noise and not crank over the engine?

If it happens intermittently, it is caused by a broken tooth or teeth on the engine ring gear. Thus when the starter solenoid throws the pinion gear backwards, the pinion and ring gear will not engage. In some rare cases the pinion gear can come off or the solenoid itself fails, yeilding the same result. You can test this by putting the car into gear and moving it slightly to move the ring gear (in some cars). Sometimes opening the drivers door and jumping up and down on the door sill can rock the engine enough to move the ring (again in some cars). The car might start. The only fix for this ultimately is to replace the ring gear.

On your 1995 Mercury villager fixed old starter put on engine Tested it on battery works fine put on the car and the starter spins but it does not engage the ring gear?

the sprag clutch is gone the sprag clutch is part of the small gear in the starter basically you need to buy a new gear or a new starter depending on the price it is often called the bendix

If a car starter is making a grinding noise before or sometimes only after starting can it be caused by a computer problem?

no this is not a computer is either a starter motor problem or the ring gear on flywheel is worn

Wont start or engine will not turn over?

Battery flat, or starter ring stuck? Charge battery. For starter ring: put in 3rd gear(ONLY if manual gearbox, NOT if automatic), take foot off clutch, get friends to help you rock car back and forwards, ring will free with a jump! NB do not try with auto gearbox. Also, could be starter soleniod, try tapping gently on starter casing.