I drove a car with weak mounts it did not hurt the vehical over all. It just made the motor shake alittle it they brake I would fix them asap.
Possibly weak u-joints or transmission mounts
The 1997 Ford Taurus has for motor mounts and to transmission mounts. Worn motor mounts and transmission mounts will allow the engine and transmission to have movement.
Thuds under torque, as when the car is put into drive, can be casued by too much engine movement due to damaged, weak or broken engine or transmission mounts.
It will fit. There is plenty of room for the engine. You will have to make motor mounts, transmission mounts, and the drive shaft. This is a job that requires lots of fabrication.
Most likely worn engine mounts or transmission mount.
No such thing as a primary shaft inside of the transmission. There is a mainshaft and a countershaft. Are you meaning the Mainshaft which the the drive belt pulley mounts to?
Check the engine and transmission mounts along with the exhaust hangers.
Bad motor mounts and needs a tune up probably
It is possible, but there are so many parts that would have to be fabricated that is it likely more trouble than it is worth. The engine mounts, transmission mounts, drive shaft, shifter linkage and throttle linkage, would all be incompatible
Sever things can happen from this action. The transmission can be damaged, motor and transmission mounts can be weakened or broken. If rear wheel drive the rear end can be damaged or the universal joints can break.
it has 4 mounts , 2 engine mounts, and 2 transmission mount
Transmission mounts are they considered motor mounts? After saying that how many motor mounts do I need to replace, if I change out all of them.