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Its like an extra gear which puts the engine speed lower than the usual gears thus saving fuel and keeping cool and also less wear and tear,

most applications are for constant speeds such as the highway.

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Q: What happens when a car is in overdrive ODO?
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What does ODO off means?

ODO stands for Odometer. OD stands for Overdrive. You cannot turn the odometer off, but can hide the display on some vehicles. So it would seem this is telling you the Overdrive is turned off. Look for a button on the shift lever to turn it back on.

What is odo mean on a car?


What happens to a car when overdrive goes out?

If the rest of the Transmission continues to function, then result is that the engine RPM's will be higher when cruising than is normal. Overdrive reduces the RPM's at the speed where it engages.

How do you measure meters using your car odometer?

If your car odo uses a metric odo, then the last digit of the trip odo will most likely be in 1/10 of a kilometer = 100 meters. So watch the last digit while driving fairly slowly and count the numbers.

When do you use overdrive in an automatic car?

If an automatic car is in off overdrive does it save fuel

What would cause the overdrive light to flash on a ford expedition?

if you have overdrive in that car it means that your about to go into overdrive

What does an odometer tell you about a car?

If the odo hasn't been tampered with it'll show the total distance the car has travelled.

What is Odometer Correction?

Depends. If you've changed the gearing, or the wheel size, odometer correction is a small adjustment to make the odo read right again after the changes. If you're selling/buying a used car, odo correction can mean that the odo has been turned back in order to make the car look less used, to get a better price from it.

Is it better to have the over drive button switched off or on in an 88 Camry?

The car needs to go into overdrive unless you are towing something heavy which makes it shift between overdrive and non overdrive. It is better to allow the car to shift into overdrive.

When did Odo of France die?

Odo of Metz was born in 742.

What would cause your overdrive switch to not work on a 1995 Mazda Protege when passing a car and the overdrive switch is off it won't automatically shift down to accelerate?

If the overdrive switch is turned off then the car will not go into overdrive. As it is not in overdrive, then it will not downshift out of overdrive as it normally would. It also will not shift to 3rd gear above a certain factory preset speed. Turn th overdrive on and see if it operates normally.

When did Odo become pope?

Odo was never the pope.