When your unhooking the battery cables make sure you unhook the ground cable first. Also when ur losening up the bolt make sure the wrench does not touch but terminals at the same time it will cause a spark, or could even blow up the battery.
Check the battery ground cable and make sure it is clean and making a good ground.
You connect the negative cable last and connect it to ground rather than to the negative post of the battery because there may be a small spark when you make the connection. Batteries can emit a slight amount of highly explosive hydrogen gas. That spark on the negative post can cause these fumes to ignite and explode. That is why you always connect the negative cable last and always connect it to ground and not to the battery itself as a safety measure.
You apply 12 volts to the coil primary and then release it . The electricity will go through the secondary coil and spark the spark pug.
Yes, indeed.
Hydrogen gas ignited by a spark. All car batteries produce it as a byproduct of the chemical reaction that makes the electricity. That's why it is recommended when jumping a battery that you make the last connection, of the negative clamp, to the frame rather than directly to the battery.
your battery will make a big spark or your battery could blow up.
possibley itd be hard but any heat can make a spark even the sun. or a mirror reflecting onto the ground can cause a fire.
Make sure the battery is fully charged, and check the fuses. Check any ground connections in the engine bay and try to find out where the fuel pump ground is. Possibly a bad relay somewhere?
Did you by any chance make a spark removing that battery? If you did or didnt I suggest you check the fuse
Make sure it has spark, to start with. If no spark I would check cam and or crank position sensor. Timing chain?