Ford shows their 6.2L gasoline engine as being ( 379 cubic inches )
* 6.2 liter / litre is using the metric system
62l. for clk320
1 US Gallon = 3.78541178 Liters.Thus 62L/3.78541178Answer: 16.37867 Gallons.
its mean engine maitenance
the engine size
the engine is running
If you mean aircraft ( a GLIDER has no engine )
A bad engine rod is an engine rod that has misbeheaved.
Yes, if you mean a "Wankel" engine, also called a "Rotary" engine.
When your engine has a knocking noise, it could mean that a rod has been thrown. It could also mean you are low on oil.
would like to help but what do you mean by " folding " your engine ?
it is a old time gas Engine.
it means a 2.3 litre engine