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Doctors define shock as "circulatory collapse," when blood pressure dips too low to maintain an adequate supply of blood to the body's tissues. Symptoms include cold and sweaty skin, weak and rapid pulse, irregular breathing, dry mouth, dilated pupils, and reduced flow of urine.

I'll translate that for you guys down here.

Symptoms translation: it means your blood pressure drops too low to get the blood going through your body. your body gets cold and you sweat alot, your pulse (heart-beat) gets really fast and weak, so if you put your fingers to their rist to feel their pulse (heart-beat) you can barely feel it but its really fast.

You breath either realy fast, or you take quick breathes and then slow breathes.

This one is easy 'your mouth gets dry' an example is: no saliva in your mouth.

Your pupil would get really big.

And last is that you either dont have to pee as much, or you cant pee.

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