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That is the indicator that the electronic throttle system has detected a malfunction and set a code. You will need to have the system checked with a scan tool

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Q: What does it mean when a lightning bolt inside of parenthesis comes on in an 05 Chrysler 300?
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the question in the parenthesis comes first you do the question in the parenthesis then go back and do the other half thats not in parenthesis

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The rules of PEMDAS are 1. Parenthesis anything in them you do first. 2. Exponents those little numbers next to the number telling you to multiply the number by itself a certain number of times 3. Multiplication and Division whichever comes first and 4. Addition and Subtraction whichever comes first. If there is an exponent next to parenthesis but there is no number that means the answer to the parenthesis has to be the thing that the exponent is next to. All of the rules apply inside of the parenthesis as well. If there is a number next to the parenthesis not followed by a symbol multiply the answer to the parenthesis by that number.

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If a comma is needed, it normally comes after parenthesis.

How do you fix red lightnig bolt symble Chrysler 300?

You need to have the engine computer read for trouble codes. The lightning bolt comes on when a problem is detected with the electronic throttle system.

How does a thunderstorm create lightning and thunder?

Yes, A Lightning storm produces lightning, thunder comes with the light. Thunder comes after lightning because sound is slower than light.

Why does a 2005 Chrysler 300 not accelerate when a light comes on containing two vertical lightning bolts?

That light indicates a failure in the electronic throttle control system. You will need to have the engine computer checked for codes.

Your thunder comes before the lightning your lightning comes before the clouds your rain dries all the land it touches?

A volcano.

What do you do if hail comes?

Get inside or get into or under something that will protect you, such as under a pavilion or even in a car. Do not stand under a tree, though, as hail is usually accompanied by lightning.

Does your electricity comes from lightning in the sky?

No It Comes From The Magnetic Field In The Atmoshere

What is the sound that comes after lightning?

thunder Thunder.

The thunder comes before the lightning the lightning comes before the clouds The rain dries everything it touches?

This riddle describes the sequence of a storm: thunder is heard before seeing lightning, and lightning comes before the clouds in the sky. The rain eventually falls from the clouds and evaporates, leaving things dry where it touches.

Will there be a Lightning Thief game?

Oh, I hope so! :) There will probably be a game that comes out when the movie comes out.