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You have a blown head gasket.

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Q: What causes water to come out of the tailpipe?
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What causes water to come out of the tailpipe of a Ford Expedition when turned off?

Most gasolines have a high water content,When they are burned in the engine the water turns to steam and goes out the exhaust.As the exhaust system cools off, the steam condenses and water can run out of the tailpipe

What makes water come out of the tailpipe of your car?

your moms vag juices not water

Why does a water drops come from tailpipe?

Water is a normal result from an internal combustion engine.

Would a bad head gasket cause loss of oil to come out the tailpipe?

No. A bad head gasket would cause water to come out the tailpipe. You will see white smoke. Leaky rings would cause oil to come out the tailpipe. You will see blue smoke.

What causes white smoke to come out of tailpipe of a 1998 cadillac northstar sls?

Headgaskets or Stripped Head Bolts

What causes water and white smoke to come out of tailpipe when engine heats up?

Blown head gasket, cracked head, or both. STOP driving this car or you will destroy the engine. Have this repaired ASAP.

What causes white smoke and oil dripping out thr tailpipe?

oil getting by the rings causes white smoke and oil dripping out of the tailpipe.

Does the transmission make smoke come out of the tailpipe?

No, the engine exhaust is what comes out of the tailpipe.

What will cause coolant and water to come out tailpipe on 1990 Mazda mpv van?

blown head gasket!

What causes blue tailpipe smoke?

You are burning oil.

What causes blue smoke to come from your tailpipe?

the engine is burning oil. blue smoke oil white smoke antifreeze black smoke excess fuel