bad seal, the transmission is under your car by the road itself, if the seals are bad, water dirt and other debry and can penetrate (bad)
Fluid is overfull, or there is water in the fluid.
transmission cooler
If too much transmission fluid is added, or there is something wrong with the pump
change the fluid after finding where the water comes from water will cause rust in the transmission if left in
Common causes of transmission fluid leaks:Worn Transmission Pan SealsWorn Rear Main SealCracked Transmission Fluid LineLeaky Torque ConverterLoose Transmission Pan Bolts
Most likely causes are low transmission fluid level, dirty transmission fluid, or clogged transmission fluid filter.
Usual cause is a bad radiator, the coolant and trans fluid mixes in a failed cooler.
check your transmission fluid, if it is low it will slip
The primary cause of a transmission to experience hard shifting is low fluid. Fluid is the life of a transmission and operates most of its functions.
Possibly low fluid.
seal. expensive
Bad seal? Bad cooling line to radiator?