The flasher unit for the indicators. Pressing and releasing the foot brake for the brake lights. Turning the light switch on and of for the others.
If it is not any of these then there is an electrical fault, possibly a loose connection.
Faulty head light switch.
electronic short in computer system or a short in a current of the main circuit
It is indicating that there is a fault with the engine of the car. You need to take it to a garage for repair/service.
Most likely poor wiring.
Sounds like a bad switch or relay.
You will have to check all the door sensors.
I've heard that if you have an automatic light switch sut-off switch and are having problem with your headlights flashing like a police car, it was caused by the cars computer.
What causes the dashboard light to stay on after your car has been turned off? 1994 Buick Century.
clink! (like when a car goes clink if there is a loose screw or something) blink! (the head lights turn on and off)
check ground wire on front of engine behind starter.
Check for a bad ground
Yes, the blinking securtity light will blink when the car is off.