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The only reason is a leak. Usually small.

The place to start is:

If it smells like oil or antifreeze ...

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Q: What causes light smoke to rise from a hot engine when it's shut off?
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Science Why smoke particles move about in air?

Smoke particles are very small and light, allowing them to be easily carried by air currents. Additionally, the heat from the source of the smoke causes air to rise, carrying the smoke particles along with it. As the smoke particles cool down, they eventually settle back down due to gravity.

Which kind of heat transfer causes smoke to rise from a fire?

Convection is the heat transfer process responsible for causing smoke to rise from a fire. As air near the fire gets heated, it becomes less dense and rises, carrying the smoke along with it.

When petrol is set a light is there any smoke?

yes because ever thing may blow up and smoke will rise off the fire

Why does smoke from burning materials rise in the air?

Smoke rises in the air due to the difference in temperature between the smoke and the surrounding air. When materials are burned, the heat causes the air inside the smoke to expand, making it less dense and causing it to rise. This process creates air currents that carry the smoke upwards.

What are the release dates for We Rise Like Smoke - 2013?

We Rise Like Smoke - 2013 was released on: USA: 21 May 2013

Do diabetic people need to smoke?

No you don't have to smoke but you could if u want too

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The sun causes the temperature to rise as it emits heat energy, warming the Earth's surface and atmosphere. Additionally, the sun's light causes plants to grow through the process of photosynthesis, which converts sunlight into chemical energy.

Does moon light has any effect on the tides?

Not exactly. The Moon and its gravitational force causes the tides to rise and fall as the moon moves around the Earth. Not its Light.

On idling when you turn on the lights AC off the rpm starts to sink then rise What could be the problem?

This is very normal. The extra drag on the engine caused by the alternator and the a/c causes the engine to slow. The engine speed is most likely then compensated by the e.c.u to a pre-set value, thus causing the revs to rise.

What can cause engine loss of power going uphill?

the tilting of the bike causes the floats in the carburator to rise wich cuts off the fuel intake

How does fermentation that causes dough rise?

Carbon dioxide

What is the role of fermentation in baking bread?

Fermentation - creates bubbles of carbon dioxide... which causes the dough to rise, and gives bread light, open texture.