Head gaskets can't be repaired. If they fail they have to be replaced.
bad head gaskets, or a crack in the block or head.
intake gaskets are between the head and intake. head gaskets are between the head and the block..
Head gaskets seal the clyinder head to the block. Head gaskets usually blow when the vehicle has been run too hot for too long. Heat warps the cylinder head and gasket quits sealing, known as a blown head gasket. There are other reason for blowing a head gasket, but this one of the most common reasons.
Head gaskets, head gaskets, head gaskets
overheating is #1 answer for blown head gaskets!
Head gaskets are supposed to last the life of the engine. There is no "care" specific to head gaskets.
There is really no reason to. Unless a car overheats enough to warp the head, there is no good reason the head gasket should fail.
There are ( 2 head gaskets ) one head gasket for each head on your V6 engine
There are many gaskets on any car engine. If you are asking about head gaskets, they are between the cylinder head(s) and the engine block. The cylinder head is under the valve cover. --------------
The 283 has a larger bore diameter, so use the 283 head gaskets.